Archive for July, 2010

That’s right!  Not only is my new trading card out, but it has a SUPER-AWESOME photo on the front taken by the world famous yo-yo master Raphael Matsunaga, aka: Red.  This photo was taken in Takeshi’s living room while Duncan was shooting some new instructional video with Raphael and Takeshi as well as Jack Ringca, Brandon Jackson, Drew Tetz, and Hank Freeman.  It was fun.  I love pictures of me.

It may be the most beautiful animation I have ever seen. If you are a visual person, make sure you see this film. There were many times when the imagery alone made me smile or laugh. It’s really just stunning.

I missed it when it was showing in Pittsburgh, but it is still playing in Milwaukee, so there’s a chance it may still be coming to your town too.  I wouldn’t say that you absolutely have to see this film on the big screen, you should see it on a giant tv (or at least a non-small one).