Entries tagged with “trading-card”.
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Thu 28 Oct 2010
Posted by mark under General
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I have reached a new plateau in my semi-fame. This is even better than when a kid put my photo on his birthday cake. Â I got a facebook message and a photo text telling me about it last night. Â My buddies Takeshi, Jack Ringca, and Drew Tetz are on the road right now with the Duncan Heritage Tour and yesterday a kid showed up to their demo in Brookfield WI in his Halloween costume, dressed as me. Â Fake glasses, cool-guy shirt, hat, and a markered-in soul-patch beard to boot. Â Just to make sure everyone knew who he was, he was wearing my current trading card like a name tag. Â Awesome. Â I am so honored.
He saw me at the Wisconsin State Fair this summer, and has gotten really into yo-yos lately. Â Apparently I gave him a trading card at the fair. Â Here is the photo he was working from:
The back of my new trading card:
and here is the front:
Fri 23 Jul 2010
Posted by mark under General
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That’s right! Â Not only is my new trading card out, but it has a SUPER-AWESOME photo on the front taken by the world famous yo-yo master Raphael Matsunaga, aka: Red. Â This photo was taken in Takeshi’s living room while Duncan was shooting some new instructional video with Raphael and Takeshi as well as Jack Ringca, Brandon Jackson, Drew Tetz, and Hank Freeman. Â It was fun. Â I love pictures of me.
Fri 18 Dec 2009
Posted by mark under General
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For the celebration of 80 years of Duncan Yo-yos a massive set of demonstrator trading cards came out, and one card has been included in each entry-level yo-yo. My Duncan pals and I have been looking for our own cards in the stores, and I just found mine this weekend! It was pretty cool.
Here’s what the card looks like:
Tue 5 Sep 2006
Posted by mark under Performance Stories
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I was performing up at the Wisconsin State Fair last month and after my show I was handing out my new super-hero themed trading cards. One kid got his, took a few steps away, and stopped to look at it. After a minute or so he came back over to me and said,
“In this picture it looks like you are wearing a cape.”
“Yeah, I am.” I said.
“Ok… then why aren’t you wearing a cape now?” he said.
It took me a second to suppress my smile and come up with the right response.
” Well, sometimes I like to keep a low profile and just go out in my civilian clothes.”
“Oh, ok.” he said, and walked off.
It did make me wonder though, of all the people who see my show, what percentage of them would actually think the show was better if I was wearing a cape?
Get your own Mark Hayward trading cards here.
Tue 22 Aug 2006
Posted by mark under General
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That’s right folks, the new cards are here! This whole year is rather super hero themed for me, I’m not sure why.
If you’d like your own Mark Hayward trading card check out this page.
Mon 24 Apr 2006
Posted by mark under General
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Fortunately for me, one of the Indianapolis yo-yo guys is also a comic book artist. I ordered some custom Duncan Freehand Zero yo-yos (just the sidecaps really) and Rob did the art for me. On one side he drew me as a super-hero, and on the other side as a super-villain. I’m excited about them, and they are supposed to ship on May 1st, so it’s getting close.
I figured that since I’m doing the super-hero thing on the yo-yos, and since I got this domain name this year, I might as well just keep things rolling and have my 2006 trading cards be super-hero themed as well. This will be my fourth trading card, and you can see the others here. My wife Lenore was taking some pictures of me doing a super-hero pose, so that Rob had something to work from, when my dog Vader came and sat next to me. Lenore got some great pix of the two of us, so now, if the drawing goes well, the image on the card will be of me with Vader, each wearing our own cape. I’m pretty excited about it.