Thu 1 Jul 2010
I Saw The Secret of Kells Last Night
Posted by mark under General
[2] Comments
It may be the most beautiful animation I have ever seen. If you are a visual person, make sure you see this film. There were many times when the imagery alone made me smile or laugh. It’s really just stunning.
I missed it when it was showing in Pittsburgh, but it is still playing in Milwaukee, so there’s a chance it may still be coming to your town too. I wouldn’t say that you absolutely have to see this film on the big screen, you should see it on a giant tv (or at least a non-small one).
Good, but *the most beautiful animation I have ever seen* is stretching it a bit.
I did think of Hayao Miyazaki.
I realized after making that post that I didn’t use wording that was quite as precise as what I meant. It wasn’t the actual animation itself that struck me as much as the artistry, compositions, and viewpoints. I just loved it that I was watching a piece of living art that could never have come out of an American studio.
I’m not familiar with Hayao Miyazaki. I’ll have to check it out.