Tue 29 May 2007
ChocolateFest Day 4
Posted by mark under General
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Today went well, but I’m glad it’s over. I’m TIRED.
Everyone should spend an afternoon swapping stories with a couple of cowboys in a barn. I can’t recommend it highly enough. I had a long break in between sets today, and I had already planned on spending it sitting on my butt backstage. It turned out that Bob Hamm: 7 time World and National Champion had some time to kill too, and he is a great story teller. I heard about shooting marbles, sticking up kids for their candy at Boy Scout Camp, shootin’ BB guns, and all kinds of other awesome childhood things today. This guy is a real character, and man can he spin a gun. Yesterday I spent some time hanging out with the lumberjacks, and I REALLY want to throw an axe now. I didn’t think they would want me throwing their axes, and besides, the target was right next to the petting zoo, and that would only lead to disaster.
I did finally manage to get my hands on an reasonably massive amount of chocolate today, so I felt good about that.
After the fair was finished I even got to hang out with some top and yo-yo pals. It was a good ending to the event.
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