Posted by mark under General
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I think I am now mostly recovered from the Portland IJA festival. It was a lot of fun, and there was just enough craziness and stupidity to generate some good stories. In other words, Crash was there. My last Portland festival memory was Crash’s foot bleeding all over the pool deck after a failed attempt at a backflip with a pool chair off the poolside railing. Good times. (Don’t worry, he’s fine.)
I’m home this week, I have a gig on Satruday, and then I’m gone for two weeks. This is the last big trip for the year, and I’m really glad about it. I’m ready to be home for a while.
Posted by mark under General
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I LOVE juggling festivals. Love, love, LOVE them. This weekend is the Toss Up Jugglefest at Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire IL. Yesterday was also the Illinios State Yo-yo Contest as a part of the festival, and I was a judge. In fact, I found out once I arrived that I was head judge. I treid hard to make sure I abused my power. ;)
For me juggling festivals are fun no matter what, although I ususally don’t get much juggling done, and this fest is no exception. I already knew that a bunch of my good juggling and yo-yo friends were going to be here, but I got the added bonus that Crash, Sky, and Luke Wilson are here too!
The yo-yo contest went well, although it always takes longer than I want it to. Today I get to actually do some practicing… or at least I have the option of practicing… I will probably end up hanging out and talking.