Thu 22 Feb 2007
Mark Hayward Custom Freehand Zero Sidecaps
Posted by mark under General
[2] Comments
I spent some time this week painting the custom Freehand Zero yo-yo sidecaps that I ordered from Duncan. I got 150 pairs, and they are clear plastic so I can paint the inside of them however I want. This is the second batch.
At the moment the yo-yos and caps are only available through or from me directly. Here’s a great shot of an assembled yo-yo from the ExtremeSpin website:
Mark, Is there any place in Indy to buy quality yoyo’s?
Not that I know of. There is a game shop in the Castleton Mall that has some stuff, but either the internet, or your friendly neighboorhood International Yo-yo Superstar are probably your best bets. Takeshi and I always have Duncan stuff, but other than that you should probably go online. I recommend,, and