Sun 15 Jul 2007
Better Ranking Through Good Design- How to Pick a Website Designer, and Why You Need One
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I wrote this article for a now-defunct Search Engine Optimization (SEO) site, and I think it’s a good article, so I thought I’d share it here.
In a previous post I talked about the importance of Covering the Basics First when dealing with search engine optimization. My first point was that you need to be sure your website doesn’t suck. Does your site suck? Are you sure that it doesn’t? When I first put up my site it was hard for me to tell. Now I have the experience and perspective to know… and I had some help.
In my opinion, the best thing you can do to ensure that you have a good website is to hire a designer. If you are a large corporation I’m sure that you already have a great site and a whole team of designers to keep it that way. But for me, and for a huge number of small business owners out there, there is only one person in my web-design team: me… and I’m bad at it.
As a small operation, the temptation is to make your website yourself. I made mine, and if you’ve done the same thing I’m sure you’ve done a decent job and you have a serviceable site. You have good reason to be proud of your efforts, because you got things rolling. But now you need to take the next step, set your pride aside and let the professionals do their work. Most people don’t realize the important difference between something that looks ok, and something that looks great. If you want to take advantage of every edge you can, then you need to have a GREAT site so you can have good ranking, improved traffic, and more business.
To those of us outside the industry, graphic design seems simple enough. Anyone can organize pictures and paragraphs and make a site look good right? Oh, no… that is SO not the case. Even with an extensive background in art, I do not have what it takes to do good graphic design. I have several friends who are graphic designers, and I only had to watch them work for a few minutes to see that their years of training and experience allow them to do work that is way beyond anything I ever did.
How do you pick out a designer?
It’s tempting to look to a friend who is a designer and think that not only will it be easier to work with a friend, but it will also be cheaper. Speaking from experience, it is only a good idea to hire a friend if you have 100% unflinching, absolute confidence that their abilities match your needs. A lower price doesn’t benefit you if your life is made miserable as a result. Lets say you hire your friends wife to do your website, and… oh I don’t know… what if they get a divorce before your site is finished? Seems unlikely? That’s what I thought before it happened to me. As difficult as it may be, you really need to try to not worry about the money. You will come out better in the long run.
Here are a few steps that you can follow when looking for a designer for your website: (more…)